Sketch Maker for Artists is an app that converts photos to sketches.

This app is a great solution for those who like to color and don't like sketching. Make your outlines within a couple of seconds. You can set the thickness of the line, range and opacity. You can also edit it by erasing the parts that you don't need, or adding in new ones. Then print it on high-quality paper and start to color.

It is important to have a good sketch before we start to color because color erasure always results in paper damage. Even graphite, particularly HB and darker, cannot be completely erased. So, our sketch must be proportional and accurate, and our paper or canvas unharmed before we start to add the colors.

How to use this app

  • Upload a photo from your gallery, and the app will convert it into a pencil sketch.
  • The Range scale will allow you to adjust the amount of shades and details that you want.
  • The Line Thickness scale will help you change the thickness of the main outlines.
  • If you find your outline to be too dark, use the Opacity scale to brighten it.
  • If the range is too strong in your sketch, or the whole image is not white enough, you can change it with the Contrast scale, which will eliminate the tiny areas, leave only the main lines and brighten the picture.
  • You can erase the parts that you don't need and draw any additional lines if you want them.
  • If you upload a blank image (or create one by erasing the whole image with the Eraser), you can use this app as a drawing and painting app for creating black-and-white artworks. The opacity and size scales will allow you to adjust the pencil and eraser. You can undo and redo your actions if necessary.

Create the sketch in this app, print it on high-quality paper and start to color over the perfect outlines!

If you want to draw on grey paper, upload your image and don't click anywhere for now.

The first thing to do is to move the Contrast scale to the left. The image will turn negative.

After that, move the Opacity scale to the left

Lastly, move the Range scale to the right just a little bit. If you want to darken the grey color of the background, just move the Opacity scale to the right.

Then print the image on high-quality paper (grey or white), and draw on it.

If you want to draw on black paper, upload your image and don't click anywhere for now.

The first thing to do is to move the Contrast scale to the left. The image will turn negative.

Lastly, move the Range scale to the right just a little bit.

Then print the image on high-quality paper (grey or white), and draw on it.

Get Sketcher on Mac appstore

IOS app also available on Apple App Store

It is important to have a good sketch before we start to color because color erasure always results in paper damage. Even graphite, particularly HB and darker, cannot be completely erased. So, our sketch must be proportional and accurate, and our paper or canvas unharmed before we start to add the colors.

Create the sketch in this app, print it on high-quality paper and start to color over the perfect outlines.

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Depending on the photographs you use in Sketch Maker for Artists, it may happen that the app won't make the main lines the way you want them.We have to keep in mind that this is just a software that “sees” and outlines the certain parts of the photo, which may differ more or less from the result that we expected. In that case you should use the Grid Method to create the perfect sketch. To save your time drawing grid lines, download GriDraw, the desktop software, image editor for artists, and create a perfect grid on your reference photos within a couple of seconds. Then, transfer the main lines onto your paper or canvas.

Or get the mobile app on app stores:

If you are struggling to find the right pencils for your artworks, download our Color Picker for Artists app, pick a color from the reference photo, and the app will suggests which colored and graphite pencil to use.

Get PenPick on Mac appstore

Or get the desktop version - PenPick software. PenPick ® is a desktop software color picker for artists, which runs on Windows and macOS. This software suggests which colored or graphite pencil you should use for the picked color. PenPick has two workable panels: one for colored pencils and one for graphite pencils. The colored pencil panel suggests four most popular and highest-quality colored pencils to match the selected color:

  • 150 colored pencils by Prismacolor Premier
  • 120 colored pencils by Faber-Castell Polychromos
  • 76 colored pencils by Caran d'Ache Luminance 6901
  • 72 colored pencils by Derwent Coloursoft and 72 colored pencils by Derwent Procolour, mixed.

The graphite panel automatically converts color images to black and white and suggests among 20 nuances of graphite by any brand.

Get PenPick for Windows
$109.99 $19.99

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